How to Avoid Custody Conflicts During Spring Vacation

Spring vacation offers families the perfect opportunity to make lasting memories, enjoy a break from school, and travel together. However, for parents who share custody, this time of year can also be stressful. Custody arrangements are often tested when both parents want to make the most of spring break, but conflicting plans, misunderstandings, or lack […]
Finding Closure: A Guide to Healing After Divorce

Divorce is a life-altering event that affects not only the couple but also their families, finances, and emotional well-being. Whether your divorce was amicable or contentious, the journey towards closure is important for moving forward. Healing after divorce takes time, but with the right mindset and support, you can start on the path of rebuilding […]
How to Handle Tax Filing After a Divorce in Texas

Divorce can bring many changes to your life, including how you handle your annual tax returns. Filing taxes after divorce can feel daunting, but knowing the basics will help you avoid common mistakes or tax overpayment divorce situations. From deciding on a filing status to dealing with tax overpayment divorce scenarios, there are important steps […]
Navigating Tax Claims in Texas: Who Claims the Child with 50/50 Custody?

When parents share 50/50 custody of their child, determining who gets to claim the child on their taxes can become a challenging issue. Understanding the laws surrounding child custody and tax claims in Texas can help to avoid disputes and ensure compliance with tax regulations. How Tax Laws Apply to 50/50 Custody in Texas In […]