Can I Get Divorced in Texas if I’m Pregnant?

can I get divorce in Texas if pregnant

Can I Get Divorced in Texas if I’m Pregnant? No, you cannot finalize a divorce in Texas while you are pregnant. Texas law requires that the divorce proceedings be put on hold until after the baby is born. This ensures that the court can properly address issues related to the child once they are born.  […]

Maximizing Parenting Time in Joint Custody Agreements: Tips for Co-Parenting Success 

maximizing parenting time in custody agreements

Co-parenting success is invaluable for the well-being and development of children. When both parents work together effectively, children are more likely to feel secure, loved, and supported, regardless of the family structure. Co-parenting success can lead to better emotional, social, and academic outcomes for children, making it an essential goal for any family navigating the […]

Can a Child Refuse Visitation in Texas?

Can a child refuse visitation in Texas

Child custody and visitation can be a sensitive topic for families impacted by a divorce or separation when minor children are involved. In the state of Texas, the family court prefers to award joint custody because of the valuable influence both parents can have on a child’s life. However, in reality a joint custody arrangement […]

Nesting Arrangements in Child Custody: Is It Right for Your Family?

Nesting Arrangements in Child Custody: Is It Right for Your Family

A nesting arrangement is a unique form of child custody that emphasizes stability for the child. In this setup, rather than the child(ren) shuttling between two homes, they remain in one primary residence. The parents, on the other hand, alternate their stays in this home, ensuring the children’s environment remains unchanged. The innovative approach of nesting is […]