Dividing Real Estate Holdings: Advice for High-Net-Worth Divorces in Texas

Divorce is never easy, but high net-worth divorces come with their own unique set of challenges. When substantial assets are at stake like real estate holdings, the complexity of a high net-worth divorce can increase significantly. High net-worth divorces differ from standard divorces due to the sheer volume and value of assets that need to be divided, as well as the potential for intricate financial structures. Whether you own multiple properties, commercial real estate, or luxury homes, understanding how these real estate holdings will be divided during the divorce process in Texas is an important aspect of protecting your financial future.

How Will Real Estate Investments be Divided in Austin

When it comes to dividing real estate investments in a high net-worth divorce in Austin, the courts follow a specific and structured process. Here’s a breakdown of each step so you can better anticipate what to expect and better prepare for your case:

1. Classification of Property

The first step when dividing real estate investments is to classify the property as either community, separate, or mixed property

  • CommunityProperty: This includes real estate and other assets acquired during the marriage with community funds. 
  • Separate Property: This includes real estate and assets owned before the marriage or acquired through separate property funds, such as inheritance or gifts from family.
  • Mixed Property: This includes real estate that is both separate and community.  For example, this may happen when a spouse uses his or her separate property to pay for a portion of the down payment for a house.

In high net-worth divorce cases, determining this classification can be complex, particularly if it is mixed property. The courts will closely examine the history of each asset to determine its classification.

2. Valuation of Real Estate Holdings

Once the classification is established, the next step is to assess the value of all real estate holdings. This includes:

  • Primary Residences
  • Vacation Homes
  • Rental Properties
  • Commercial Investments

Accurate valuation is critical, and this often requires the expertise of real estate appraisers. They will provide a fair market value for each property, ensuring that the division process is based on accurate and up-to-date information.

3. Consideration of Contributing Factors

After valuation, the court will take into account several factors that can influence the division of real estate assets:

  • Length of the Marriage: The duration of the marriage can impact how assets are divided, with longer marriages often leading to a more equal division.
  • Contributions of Each Spouse: This includes both financial contributions and non-financial contributions, such as homemaking or supporting a spouse’s career.
  • Future Earning Potential: The court may consider each spouse’s ability to earn income in the future, which can affect how assets are divided.
  • The primary residence of the children: The court will determine whether a home is likely to remain the children’s primary residence following a divorce, and if so, may award that residence to the spouse who has primary custody of the children.
  • Attachment to Real Estate:  Courts will evaluate why a party wants to be awarded a residence, such as the proximity to relatives, individual improvements a party has made to a residence, sentimental reasons, etc.
  • Separate Property: If a party has a separate property interest in a residence, he or she may not be divested of that separate property.

These factors help the court determine what constitutes a just and right division in Texas. It’s important to understand that a just and right division does not always mean equal, but instead, may disproportionately award assets to one spouse.

4. Division of Real Estate Assets

Once the above factors have been evaluated the court will decide how to divide the real estate holdings:

  • Awarding Real Estate to One Spouse: In some cases, one spouse may be awarded the real estate, while the other receives assets of equivalent value, such as cash, retirement accounts, or other investments.
  • Selling and Dividing Proceeds: Alternatively, the property may be sold, and the proceeds divided between the spouses.

The goal of this process is to reach a fair and just outcome that considers the unique circumstances of both parties involved in a high net-worth divorce in Austin.

Protecting Your Assets in a High-Net-Worth Divorce

Protecting your assets, particularly real estate holdings, should be a top priority if you’re facing a high net-worth divorce. There are several strategies to safeguard your investments and ensure a fair outcome.

Pre- and Postnuptial Agreements

One of the most effective ways to protect any assets, including real estate assets is through a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. These legal documents can clearly define what is considered separate property and establish how assets will be divided in the event of a divorce.

Trusts and Other Financial Instruments

Establishing trusts can shield real estate holdings from being considered marital property. This can be especially useful for assets acquired before marriage or those intended to be passed down to future generations.

Keep Detailed Records

Documentation is key. Maintain meticulous records of all real estate transactions, including purchase dates, funds sources, and property improvements. This can help establish the property as separate and protect it from division.

Consult with Experts

Engage financial advisors, accountants, and real estate appraisers early in the process. Their expertise can be invaluable in ensuring that your real estate holdings are accurately valued and appropriately protected.

Additional Considerations for Couples Facing a High-Net-Worth Divorce

Couples need to consider several other factors when dividing real estate holdings during a high net-worth divorce.

Tax Implications

Tax implications can have a significant impact on the division of assets. Capital gains taxes, property taxes, and the tax basis of real estate investments should be carefully evaluated to avoid unexpected financial burdens.

Businesses in Texas

Another critical consideration is the potential for ongoing business operations. If the real estate in question is tied to a family business, its division can affect the business’s viability. It’s essential to consider how the division of these assets will impact the broader financial picture, including cash flow and future business prospects.


High net-worth couples should also be mindful of privacy concerns. Divorce proceedings can expose personal and financial details that high-profile individuals may prefer to keep private. Exploring alternative dispute resolution methods, such as uncontested divorce or collaborative divorce, can help keep these details out of the public eye.

How an Experienced High-Net-Worth Divorce Attorney Can Help

Navigating the complexities of dividing real estate holdings in a high net-worth divorce requires skilled legal guidance. The attorneys at Deyerle Silva Smith, PLLC are well-versed in the intricacies of high net-worth divorces and have a deep understanding of the strategies needed to protect your real estate assets. Our team will work closely with you to evaluate your real estate portfolio, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure that your interests are safeguarded throughout the divorce process.

Working with an experienced high net-worth divorce attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. At Deyerle Silva Smith, we prioritize your financial security and work diligently to achieve an equitable resolution that protects your real estate holdings and other valuable assets. Contact us today to get started!